Comprendere l’Uso di Base e gli Effetti del COMMIT in SQL

SQL’s COMMIT plays a central role in transaction management within a database. To finalize a series of changes within a transaction, the COMMIT command is essential. This article explains the basic usage and effects of the SQL COMMIT command in detail, helping you understand its importance in database management.


What is a Transaction?

A transaction refers to a series of operations in a database management system. These operations are treated as a unified unit that should either all succeed or all fail. The main purpose of a transaction is to maintain data integrity and consistency.

ACID Properties

Transactions enhance reliability by having ACID properties. ACID stands for the following four properties:

  • Atomicity: Ensures that all operations within a transaction either succeed entirely or fail entirely.
  • Consistency: Ensures that the database remains consistent when the transaction is complete.
  • Isolation: Ensures that multiple transactions can be executed simultaneously without interfering with each other.
  • Durability: Ensures that once a transaction is successfully completed, the changes are permanently saved.

Basic Usage of COMMIT

COMMIT is an SQL command used to finalize all the changes made in the current transaction and reflect them in the database. This makes the changes visible to other users. Here is the basic syntax of COMMIT:

Basic Syntax


The COMMIT command signifies the end of a specific transaction and permanently saves all the operations performed within that transaction.

Example Usage

The following example shows a scenario where a new record is inserted into the database and the changes are committed.


INSERT INTO employees (name, position, salary)
VALUES ('John Doe', 'Software Engineer', 75000);


In this example, a transaction is first started, new employee information is inserted, and finally the changes are finalized using the COMMIT command.

Effects of COMMIT

When the COMMIT command is executed, all changes made within the transaction are finalized in the database and become visible to other users. Specifically, the following effects occur:

Permanence of Changes

When COMMIT is executed, all changes made within the transaction are permanently saved in the database. This ensures that changes are not lost even if the system is restarted or a failure occurs.

Ensuring Data Consistency

If an error occurs during a transaction, the ROLLBACK command can be used to cancel the changes, but by using COMMIT, all changes are consistently reflected in the database as intended. This maintains data consistency.

Release of Locks

While a transaction is in progress, the database may lock the resources being operated on by that transaction. By executing COMMIT, these locks are released, allowing other transactions to access the same resources.

Making Changes Visible to Other Users

When COMMIT is executed, other users can refer to those changes. This maintains a consistent state of the database and facilitates smooth collaboration.

Difference Between COMMIT and ROLLBACK

Both COMMIT and ROLLBACK are SQL commands indicating the end of a transaction, but their effects are contrasting. Below, the differences and uses of each command are explained.

Usage of COMMIT

COMMIT is used to finalize all changes made within a transaction and reflect them in the database. This makes the changes visible to other users.

Characteristics of COMMIT

  • Permanence of changes
  • Ensuring data consistency
  • Release of locks
  • Making changes visible to other users


ROLLBACK is used to cancel all changes made within a transaction and return the database to its state before the transaction began. This is effective when an error occurs or when you do not want to finalize the changes.

Characteristics of ROLLBACK

  • Cancellation of changes
  • Restoring data consistency
  • Release of locks
  • Usage as part of error handling

Comparison Example

The following example illustrates the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK.


INSERT INTO employees (name, position, salary)
VALUES ('Jane Doe', 'Project Manager', 85000);

-- If an error occurs

-- If completed without issues

In this example, a transaction is first started, a new record is inserted. If an error occurs, the changes are canceled with ROLLBACK, and if completed without issues, the changes are finalized with COMMIT.

When to Use COMMIT

Using the COMMIT command at the appropriate time is crucial for maintaining the consistency and integrity of the database. Below, the timing for using COMMIT and best practices are described.

Timing to Ensure Data Consistency

Execute COMMIT when the transaction is successfully completed and all operations are performed as expected. This ensures the correct reflection of the database state.



UPDATE accounts
SET balance = balance - 100
WHERE account_id = 1;

UPDATE accounts
SET balance = balance + 100
WHERE account_id = 2;


In questo esempio, i fondi vengono trasferiti tra due conti come una transazione, con le modifiche finalizzate tramite COMMIT.

Finalizing Multiple Operations at Once

Usa COMMIT quando sono eseguite più operazioni di database come una singola transazione e desideri finalizzare i risultati tutti insieme.



INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date) VALUES (1, '2024-05-24');
INSERT INTO order_items (order_id, product_id, quantity) VALUES (1, 1001, 2);
INSERT INTO order_items (order_id, product_id, quantity) VALUES (1, 1002, 1);


In questo esempio, un nuovo ordine e i relativi articoli vengono inseriti all’interno di una singola transazione e finalizzati tutti insieme con COMMIT.

After Confirming No Errors

Esegui COMMIT dopo aver confermato che non ci sono errori all’interno della transazione. Questo evita che dati errati vengano salvati nel database.



UPDATE products SET stock = stock - 5 WHERE product_id = 1001;

IF @@ERROR = 0

In questo esempio, l’inventario del prodotto viene aggiornato e, se non si verificano errori, le modifiche vengono finalizzate con COMMIT, mentre se si verifica un errore, le modifiche vengono annullate con ROLLBACK.

Application Examples

Comprendere l’uso pratico del comando COMMIT in scenari specifici aiuta ad apprezzarne l’utilità nelle operazioni del mondo reale. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni esempi di applicazione:

Transaction Management for Maintaining Data Consistency

Quando si eseguono aggiornamenti di dati su larga scala, l’utilizzo delle transazioni è cruciale per garantire la coerenza. Ad esempio, quando si aggiornano dati in più tabelle.

Esempio: Elaborazione degli Ordini

Il seguente esempio mostra uno scenario di creazione di un nuovo ordine e aggiornamento dell’inventario.


INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date, status) VALUES (1, '2024-05-24', 'Pending');
INSERT INTO order_items (order_id, product_id, quantity) VALUES (1, 1001, 2);
UPDATE products SET stock = stock - 2 WHERE product_id = 1001;

-- If no errors occur, COMMIT
IF @@ERROR = 0

In questo esempio, un nuovo ordine viene inserito, gli articoli dell’ordine vengono aggiunti e l’inventario del prodotto viene aggiornato. Se tutte le operazioni riescono, viene eseguito COMMIT e, se si verifica un errore, le modifiche vengono annullate con ROLLBACK.

Data Migration and Large-Scale Data Operations

Quando si esegue una migrazione di dati o operazioni su larga scala nel database, è importante utilizzare le transazioni per mantenere la coerenza dei dati.

Esempio: Migrazione dei Dati

Il seguente esempio mostra la migrazione di dati da una vecchia tabella a una nuova tabella, finalizzando le modifiche se la migrazione ha successo.


INSERT INTO new_table (column1, column2)
SELECT column1, column2 FROM old_table;

-- If no errors occur, COMMIT
IF @@ERROR = 0

In questo esempio, i dati vengono inseriti dalla vecchia tabella alla nuova tabella e, se tutto va a buon fine, viene eseguito COMMIT per finalizzare le modifiche.


Questo articolo ha spiegato l’uso di base e gli effetti del comando COMMIT in SQL. COMMIT è un comando essenziale per finalizzare le modifiche all’interno di una transazione e salvarle permanentemente nel database. Attraverso la comprensione del concetto di transazioni, delle proprietà ACID, delle differenze tra COMMIT e ROLLBACK, del momento opportuno per utilizzare COMMIT e degli esempi pratici di applicazione, dovresti ora comprendere l’importanza e l’uso pratico di COMMIT. Per garantire l’affidabilità e la coerenza nelle operazioni del database, è necessario utilizzare COMMIT al momento opportuno.
